Radboudumc Research Tower extension and renovation

New entrance pavilion connects existing tower with dynamic campus square

The extension and renovation of the Research Tower officially started on 8 July recently. For EGM, this project marks another welcome return to the healthcare campus. The office designed the tower in 1989 as a research centre and logistics hub for the hospital. Now it is giving the building a second life with a totally new presence on the central square.


New entrance pavilion

The new entrance is a real eyecatcher at the heart of the Radboudumc campus. Glass on all sides lends it a transparent and open character, a truly inviting amnd social space. With lots of benches and space for interaction, the new outdoor space, part of the central campus square, will blend in seamlessly. The entrance is located on a site that was once a pond and where temporary units were placed. Now it forms a single space with the square, and ‘the roof’ of the CSA/CSD department is being built beneath it. The design makes the most efficient use possible of the available space.


New volume for departments of Central Sterilisation and Central Scope Disinfection

At the department of Central Sterilization and Central Scope Disinfection (CSA/CSD), the highest quality standards are employed to clean, control, assemble, package, sterilize and release reusable medical aids for use in the hospital.

Both departments are located beneath the entrance to the front garden. Plenty of daylight enters through long roof lights and a sunken patio, creating a pleasant working environment. A lot of attention is devoted to the sustainable deployment of staff as well as the integration of the most innovative techniques.


Thanks to technologies and the right working environment, we are creating the country’s most modern CSA/CSD

Mark Cox, director of the Radboudumc Construction Project Office


Compact green campus

The renovation, construction and redesign of the square form part of the master plan drawn up by EGM with the Radboudumc. The plan focuses on the reorganization of the campus for healthcare, education and research, which are clearly and visibly connected to one another. The new Main Building, the renovation of the Education Building (now the Experience Center) and the new green park also form part of this plan.

Mark Janssen, involved in this construction project on behalf of the Executive Board, expressed his pride that this entrance brings together all of the institute’s core tasks. “Four entrances, all of which open onto the heart of our campus. The entrance to our main building, where healthcare is provided. The entrance to the Study Centre for our education. The entrance to the Experience Center, where innovation is the focus. And the renewed entrance to the Research Tower.”

