BREEAM Excellent for O|2 Lab building

Laboratory, research and education building has received the BREEAM Excellent certificate

The O|2 Research and education building designed by EGM architects has received the BREEAM Excellent In-Use certificate on November 28th, 2019.

BREAAM Excellent

The O|2 Lab building was designed in the time that BREEAM, the sustainability assessment method and certification was still in the start-up phase and clear guidelines for this type of multi-use educational buildings with laboratories, labs, research facilities and lecture rooms were missing.

The ambition of VU in the field of sustainability and the continuous attention to this subject during the design and realization phase of the laboratory ensured that the In-Use certificate could be achieved precisely on the characteristics  (Asset) of the building.

O|2 Lab building

The O|2 Lab building has been in use by researchers from the VU and Amsterdam UMC since 2016 and has several research laboratories: chemical laboratories, a radionuclide laboratory and microbiological laboratories for research with pathogenic micro-organisms of different risk levels. In the multifunctional O|2 laboratory top scientific research is conducted into issues in the field of Human Life Sciences.

