Teylingereind Juvenile Justice Center

Orientation and a sense of homeliness are important in this juvenile justice center.

A recognisable, homely and safe environment for young people

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Participation, protection, growth, encouragement, learning, making choices, and cooperation – these rights comprise the foundation for working with and guiding the young people who reside in Teylingereind. The environment designed to accommodate and promote this has been carefully crafted with great attention.


Forensic Centre Teylingereind is one of five judicial youth facilities (JJI) in the Netherlands. The facility includes accommodation for 144 young people, as well as various additional amenities such as a school, sports hall, and office spaces. The square-shaped new building is an extension of the existing youth facility, consisting of two main buildings that enclose an outdoor sports field and courtyard. As a resident, you now always move through this outdoor space to access the other buildings. In addition to these two main buildings, the design features four standalone pavilions that can house young people in a lower-security environment. Orientation and the sense of homeliness and safety are key considerations in a youth facility.


Individual pathways

Teylingereind offers each young person an individual pathway to ensure a successful reintegration into society. This pathway helps young people regain control over their own lives and make the right decisions. Life does not pause during their stay; thanks to the care and attention provided, the stay at Teylingereind leads to development and personal growth. This enables young people to resume their lives successfully. As a result, the likelihood of reoffending is minimal, enriching society as a whole.


Security within a residential group

The design places significant focus on the residential group. It is structured to resemble a traditional home rather than a conventional judicial facility. This has been achieved by situating the bedrooms on the upper floor and the living areas on the ground floor, which opens onto a private outdoor space (garden). Warm, natural materials and colours, such as orange and brown, have been predominantly used in these spaces.


Colourful orientation

Special use of colour has been employed in various parts of the buildings where residents move through. For instance, the two staircases in the school building are designed in yellow and orange, making it clear which side of the building you are on. In the classrooms and sports hall, a fresh blue colour provides a recognisable feature.