Adding extra floors as a Solution to the Housing Shortage

De Klapwiek, Rotterdam

EGM Architects, SOR (Stichting Ouderenhuisvesting Rotterdam, housing corporation for senior citizens) and Dura Vermeer are joining forces to tackle the growing shortage of suitable homes for the elderly in Rotterdam. A prime example of this is the addition of an extra floor to the De Klapwiek apartment complex in Rotterdam-Prinsenland. Construction of the 44 energy-efficient, gas-free homes with heat pumps has now started. The homes are largely designed to be constructed 'prefab' in wood, making them sustainable and circular.


Solving the Housing Shortage

The Netherlands has a shortage of around 900,000 homes. This includes homes for starters, family homes and future-proof homes for the elderly. There is also a large shortage of suitable and affordable (rental) homes for the elderly in Rotterdam. In 2035, one in four households in Rotterdam will be a 65+ household. The vast majority of these 65+ year-olds will continue to live independently. This means that the city and the housing stock must already be prepared for this and adapted to it.


Adding an Extra Floor to De Klapwiek

EGM Architects is happy to contribute to finding solutions to this problem and thus supports SOR's ambition to add 2,000 suitable and affordable homes for the elderly in Rotterdam in the coming years. Because building land is very scarce, its ambition is to add homes within existing complexes. Together we are exploring possibilities to densify the city. The 'adding an extra floor' to the De Klapwiek senior complex is one way to make this densification possible. This 'adding an extra floor' consists of building an extra residential floor on the existing residential building. These extra homes are added in the social rental sector.


Sustainable and Affordable Homes

The homes are suitable for the elderly who want to continue living independently. They are future-proof, with, for example, a level access entrance and a spacious bathroom. The innovative Smartbox 'Blokje Op' (Box-on-top) concept by Dura Vermeer is used. These are modules with wet areas and installations that are prefabricated and placed on the roof as a single unit. This significantly reduces construction time. This contributes to the ambition to realize future-proof homes for the elderly and to prepare the city for the growing demand for suitable housing. The homes are energy-efficient and are built modularly and prefab in wood. An important starting point here is to meet the interests of the current residents by building quickly and with a minimum of nuisance.


Start of Construction

On December 6, 2023, the 'Start of Construction' activities were carried out under the watchful eye of Alderman Ronald Buijt of the Municipality of Rotterdam, a delegation from the province of Zuid-Holland and the Residents' Committee of De Klapwiek. The homes are expected to be completed within a year.

