EGM's thoughts on water

Walking through water well received in Gouda

Following Dordrecht, Gouda is also enthusiastic about EGM's plans to make a true experience of the water in the inner cities of Holland. During Gouda's 10th Waterconference on het 18th of June 2015, the idea of using strung containers to walk through water was honored with a nomination.

Enthusiastic partners wanted

An idea is one thing, but how nice would it be if the 'water promenade' would become a reality? At the present EGM is consulting with various parties, including Waterstudio, several shipyards and schools to see if the plans can be effectively implemented. EGM is researching the possibilty of using containers made of steel or composite. EGM is also looking for local partners who want to participate in researching and financing this concept.

Lobbying at City Hall

If the plans  to get a more concrete status befor summer, a meeting will be scheduled with the city councilor. During that meeting topics such as funding, employment and exposure are discussed.

Interested in participating?

If you are interested to participate in this watery initiative, please contact us.

Please contcat Mr. Ir. Leufkens Chico.